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      Tafseer - Explanation of the Qur'aan

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The Saying of Ameen after Reciting Soorah Al-Fatihah - It is recommended for the one who is reciting the Qur`aan to say Aameen after having recited al-Faatihah and after a short pause upon completing the word ‘daalleen’ to differentiate between that which is the Qur`aan and that which is not.

 Meaning of the word Aameen - The meaning of Aameen in the eyes of the majority is, ‘O Allah respond to our supplication.” In Surah Yunus the following supplication of Musaa (alaihi as-salaam) is mentioned: "Musaa (alaihi as-salaam) said, ‘O Lord! You have indeed bestowed splendor and wealth upon Pharaoh and his chiefs in the life of this world, our Lord! That they may lead men astray from Your path. Our Lord! Destroy their wealth and harden their hearts so that they will not believe until they see the painful torment.’ Allah said, ‘verily the supplication of you both is answered…” [Soorah Yunus (10): 88-89] In the commentary to this verse it is stated that Musaa was saying the supplication and Haaroon was saying Aameen and hence he was considered to be amongst the supplicants. [Tafseer ibn Katheer’ [2/565]

 Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu anhu) reports from the Prophet (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) that he said: "When the Imaam says Aameen then say Aameen for indeed the one whose Aameen coincides with the Aameen of the Angels will have his previous [minor] sins forgiven."                                                                                                [Saheeh Muslim [Eng. Trans. 1/225 no. 809]

 Virtues of Saying Ameen after the Recitation of Soorah Al-Fatihah  - Narrated Anas bin Maalik (radiyallahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) said: "Allah has given my nation three things that were not given to any nation before them. The salaam, which is the greeting of the inhabitants of Paradise; the rows of the Angels, and the Aameen, which was only previously given to Musaa and Haaroon. [Tirmidhee reports in ‘Nawaadir al-Usul’]

Abu Hurayrah (radiyallahu anhu) reports from the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) that he said: "When the Imaam says Aameen then say Aameen for indeed the one whose Aameen coincides with the Aameen of the Angels will have his previous [minor] sins forgiven." [Saheeh Muslim [Eng. Trans. 1/225 no. 809]

Narrated Aa`ishah (radiyallahu anhu) that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) said: "The Jews do not envy you for anything as much as they envy you for saying the Salaam and Aameen.” [Saheeh ibn Maajah’ [no. 697]

 Saying Ameen after the Recitation of Soorah Al-Fatihah in the Prayer  - With regards to prayer then Muslim reports from Abu Musaa al-Ash`aree (rahimahullaah) that he said:  "The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alahi wa-sallam) addressed us and explained to us our sunnah [that we should follow] and explained to us [the method of performing] our prayer. He said, "when you pray then straighten your rows, then let one of you lead you. When he says the takbeer then say the takbeer, when he says, ‘not the path of those who have earned [Your] Anger nor those who have gone astray’ then say Aameen and Allah will respond to you." [Saheeh Muslim v.1 # 800]

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