Hadeeth Studies Forty Hadeeth on the Islaamic Personality
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Hadeeth Twenty One - The Muslim Repents and Turns Back to Allaah
From Aboo Sa’eed al-Khudree (who said that Allaah’s Messenger (salallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said:
The example of a believer with regard to eemaan is like the example of a horse with regards to its tethering stake; it roams around and then returns to its tethering stake, and the believer is negligent and then returns to eemaan. So feed the pious with your food and treat the believers well.Reported by Ibnul Mubaarak in az-Zuhd (no.73). Ahmad (3/38,55),Ibn Hibbaan (no.616) [1]
Hadeeth Twenty Two - The Essential Characteristics of His Personality
From Aboo Hurairah (who said that Allaah’s Messenger (salallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said:
Two characteristics are not found together in a hypocrite: good manners and understanding of the ReligionReported by at-Tirmidhee (no.2685) and through a different chain of narration by Ibn-ul-Mubaarak in az-Zuhd (no.459) and all the narrators of this chain are reliable and further strengthen the narration of at-Tirmidhee
Hadeeth Twenty Three - Honest Jesting
From Aboo Hurairah (who said):
We said: O Messenger of Allaah! You jest with us? He said: Yes, except that I do not say except what is trueReported by at-Tirmidhee in as-Sunan (no.1991) and in ash-Shamaail (no.202 of the abridgement), al-Baghawee (no.3602) and Ahmad (2/360 and 2/340). Its chain of narration is hasan
Hadeeth Twenty Four - A Time for this and a Time for that
From Hanzalah al-Usayyidee (who said):
Aboo Bakr met me and asked: "How are you O Hanzalah?" I replied: "Hanzalah is guilty of hypocrisy!" He said: "Free is Allaah and far removed from all defects! What are you sayings". I said: "When we are with Allaah’s Messenger and he reminds us of the Fire and Paradise it is as if we are seeing it with our own eyes. Then when we depart from Allaah’s Messenger and attend to our wives, our children and our business, then much of this slips from our minds". Aboo Bakr said: "By Allaah we also experience the same". So I went with Aboo Bakr until we entered upon Allaah’s Messenger. I said: "Hanzalah is guilty of hypocrisy O Messenger of Allaah!". So Allaah’s Messenger said: "And how is that?" I said: "When we are with you, you remind us of the Fire and of Paradise and it is as if we are seeing it with our eyes. Then when we depart from you and attend to our wives, children and business then much of this slips from our minds". So Allaah’s Messenger said: "By Him in whose Hand is my soul if you remained continually as you are when you are with me and in remembering (Allaah) then the angels would shake hands with you upon your beds and upon your roads. But O Hanzalah, (there is) a time for this and a time for that, (there is) a time for this and a time for that, (there is) a time for this and a time for that"Reported by Muslim (Eng.Trans.) vol.4, p.l436, no.6623
Hadeeth Twenty Five - He does not Take Sins Lightly
From Sahl ibn Sa’d (who said) that Allaah’s Messenger said
Beware of sins which are treated as being minor, just like a people who encamp in the centre of a valley, so someone brings a stick of firewood and someone else brings a stick until they are therefore able to bake their bread. Likewise sins which are treated as being minor and for which the person is taken to account will destroy him.Reported by Ahmad (5/331), at-Tabaraanee in al Kabeer (no.5872) and as-Sagheer (no.904) and others and its chain of narration is saheeh
So it is just as the noble companion ‘Abdullaah ibn Mas’ood (said: The believer sees his sins as if he were sitting beneath a mountain which he feared was about to fall upon him, whereas the wicked sees his sins like a man who finds a fly settle upon his nose, so he does this (one of the narrators said: He brushes it away from his nose with his hand). Reported by al-Bukhaaree (Eng.Trans. 8/214/no.320).
Hadeeth Twenty Six - The Muslim Does not Commit OppressionFrom Jaabir ibn ‘Abdullaah who said that Allaah’s Messenger (salallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said
Beware of committing oppression for on the Day of Resurrection oppression will be darkness, and beware of avarice for avarice destroyed those who came before you, it led them into shedding blood and into making lawful that which was forbidden for them.Reported by Muslim (Eng. Trans.) vol.4, p.1366, no.6248.
Hadeeth Twenty Seven - He is not a Carrier of Malicious Reports
From Anas ibn Maalik (who said that Allaah’s Messenger (salallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said:
Do you know what calumny (al-‘Adh) is? They said: Allaah and His Messenger know best. He said: Conveying the words of some people to others in order to create mischief between them.Reported by al-Bukhaaree in al Adabul Mufrad (no.425), al-Baihaqee in his Sunanul Kubraa (10/246) and others and its chain of narration is hasan. A similar report from Ibn Mas’ood is reported by Muslim (Eng. Trans.) vol.4, p.1375, no.6306
Hadeeth Twenty Eight - He is not Attached to this World
From Sahl ibn Aa’d (who said that Allaah’s Messenger (salallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said:
Jibreel came to me and said: O Muhammad! Live as you will for you must certainly die; love whom you will since you must certainly leave him; act as you will since you shall certainly be given due reward for it; know that the believers eminence is his standing in prayer during the night, and his honour is having sufficiency without dependency upon the peopleReported by al-Haakim (4/324) and others and its chain of narration is weak due to the narrator Zaafir ibn Sulaymaan. However it has a witness reported by at-Tayaalisee (no.1755) and the chain of narration of this is also weak due to the weakness of al-Hasan ibn Abee Ja’far and because Abuz-Zubayr is a mudallis and reports without definitely stating that he heard it directly. al-Boosayree says in his Zawaa’id : It is reported by at-Tayaalisee with a chain of narration that is weak due to the weakness of al-Hasan ibn Abee Ja’far. However it has a witness reported by al Haakim. Therefore the Hadeeth is hasan
Hadeeth Twenty Nine - Disassociation from this World
From Aboo Umaamah Iyaas ibn Tha’labah who said
The Companions of Allaah’s Messenger mentioned this world one day in his presence, so Allaah’s Messenger ? said: Will you not listen, will you not listen! Wearing old clothes is part of eemaan, wearing old clothes is part of eemaanReported by Aboo Daawood (Eng.Trans.) vol.3, p.1158, no.4149 and its chain of narration is hasan
Zuhd (abstemiousness) is to have little regard for this world, to manifest ones poverty and need before Allaah, to treat the servants of Allaah kindly and gently, to avoid spending lavishly upon clothing, food and drink, and to avoid fame.
Zuhd is not the rejection of the favours which Allaah, the One free and far removed from all defects, bestows upon some of His servants, rather it is as Shaikhul-Islaam Ibn Taimiyyah, rahimahullaah, said: "Keep away from that which does not bring benefit, either because it contains no benefit at all, or because something other than it is more beneficial, so that by doing the first he would be missing greater benefit, or because it will produce something whose harm will grow to outweigh its benefit But as regards things which are purely beneficial or predominantly, then avoidance of them is stupidity.[Majmoo’ul-Fataawaa (10/615)]
Therefore there is to be no abstemiousness with regard to good actions
Hadeeth Thirty - Good ActionsFrom Aboo Hurairah (who said that Allaah’s Messenger (salallahu alaihe wa-sallam) said
Charity (sadaqah) is due upon every joint of a person on every day that the sun rises. Administering justice between two people is an act of charity; and to help a man concerning his riding beast by helping him on to it or lifting his luggage on to it is an act of charity; a good word is charity; and every step which you take to the prayer is charity; and removing that which is harmful from the road is charity.Reported by al-Bukhaaree (Eng.Trans.) vol.4, p.146, no.232 and Muslim (Eng.Trans.) vol.2, 483, no.2204
[1] Reported by Ibnul Mubaarak in az-Zuhd (no.73). Ahmad (3/38,55),Ibn Hibbaan (no.616) and others and its chain of narration has two weaknesses: (i) Aboo Sulaymaan al-Laythee who is unknown, and (ii) ‘Abdullaah ibn al-Waleed who is weak. However it has a support which raises it to the level of hasan, it is reported by ar-Raamahurmuzee in al-Amthaal (no.39) and all of its narrators are reliable except for the Shaikh of ar-Raamahurmuzee who is unknown. So in conclusion the hadeeth is hasan
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